
Showing posts from 2017

PyConES 2017

El pasado fin de semana ( 22-24 de septiembre ) asistí, junto con algunos colegas de TheMotion , a la 5 edición de la PyConES  en Cáceres. Es siempre una oportunidad para re-encontrarse con la comunidad, conocer nuevas personas y empresas, reencontraste con ex-colegas y conocidos además de curiosear y conocer retos a los que se enfrentan, todo esto en torno a un denominador común que en este caso es Python. La organización del evento hasta antes de llegar al día de las conferencias me pareció genial brindando bastante información sobre el evento desde el momento de compra de entradas hasta agenda al detalle, pasando por detalles ( que tiene importancia ) como la localización del venue, como llegar a Cáceres, brindar opciones de hospedaje, de traslados, jobs board e incluso de hacer turismo en Extremadura. Agradecido por las cervezas de bienvenida dando paso desde el primer momento al networking e involucración con la conferencia. Dicho esto creo que aun existe margen de mej...

Understanding before

The feeling of pride of belonging to the university you studied at sounds like a common thing worldwide. But what if your university was in a 3rd world country, with poor/none internet access and lack of resources? Would we feel the same? Well ... YES. The University of Havana taught me to code without internet, something that I'll always appreciate because it forces me to really understand what's behind each line of code I write. I hope to keep this custom as long as possible. In our first years in "La Colina" my classmates and I wrote most of the software in paper sheets or in a lab at midnight, without internet but having us as the community to throw questions and catch answers. We were our own StackOverflow. This situation forced us somehow to consult books instead of surfing the internet, to figure out solutions instead searching them; taught us (or at least taught me) do not provide solutions or code that we don't understand, as an effect of being unable...

Pleasure on deletion

Have you ever wonder how difficult is to delete some code in your service? Recently I watched  The art of destroying software by Greg Young which is a good starting point to think about something that have been ringing around my current work place: "delete code is good". Nowadays micro-services and distributed systems are trending topic in software development. It seem like if you are doing the micro-services way then you are in the right path or at least in the modern path. In my opinion is more about: Know well enough the responsibilities  of each part of you system Keep good balance of coupling and cohesion As consequence be able to Delete Code  Because when you have those then you can go and delete part ( or complete) of a service because: is not need anymore, want to kill some technical debt or even for the fun of recreate it from scratch with different approaches. At the end you are going to have the same system from business perspective but with less code...

Socrates Canaries 2017

The past week ( April, 6-9th ) I had the honor to be a participant in the SoCraTes Canaries 2017 , the Software Craftsmanship and Testing conference. Almost three days full of experiences that helped us to become better people and better crafts(wo)men. It was my first time in a Socrates Conference and also first time in an  Open Space conference format. This are the strong points I would like to remark: Open Space or Unconference People willing to share and open to learn Software side talks ( like: liquid modernity, mental health, time management, ... ) English as default language The Venue Networking It's amazing how the unconference flows leading by our own goods, filling the talk slots by the spontaneous willing to learn something new and/or to share knowledge, experiences and/or learned lessons. Something that shocked me, in a good way, that talks did not need to be prepared, if needed we just improvised so we all learn/share.  All the talks, workshops, mo...