PyConES 2018

Last weekend (October 5-7) I attended, together with some colleagues from TrustYou, the PyConES conference in Málaga. Like in PyConES-2017, this was an opportunity to meet again with the python community, meet new people and companies, meet with former colleagues and friends as well as browse the challenges they face. All this around a common denominator that in this case is Python.

Some of the talks look interesting to me:

Keynote by Héctor Socas Navarro
Hector Socas is a physics at The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias(IAC) and he shows us some
cutting edge challenges that Astrophysics is facing nowadays and how the technology is playing a
key role in those. It was amazing to learn about the marvellous things about the Universe and see
how Python is helping those things.

Back to Basics: NLP by Claudia Guirao
I especially liked this talk of the Data Science track because the speaker managed to explain the
concepts using a friendly language so the audience can understand. The talk is well summarized in
these notes.

Python Core
Last but not least I would like to mention some python core talks interesting to me:

¡Oh vosotros los que entráis, abandonad toda esperanza! by Pablo Galindo
Where he walks us through the different stages of the python compiler: syntax, grammar, ASTs.

Hora de sacar la basura: garbage collector by Pablo Galindo and Victor Torres
They, in 25 mins, show us how Python Garbage Collector works, pros and cons,
together with some possible improvements that are being evaluated for future. You can check in detail the slides here.

GIL: Todo lo que siempre quisiste saber y nunca te atreviste a preguntar by Jesus Cea
He explained how GIL works, talked about improvements in Python 3 over Python 2. It is always interesting to hear someone that really knows the inners of GIL.

I appreciate the effort of Python España, Ebury, Yes we tech y Málaga Python for organizing this conference. As I always highlight in my conference posts the best part of every conference is the networking and this was not an exception at all together with the beautiful city Málaga.

Looking forward to PyConES2019!!!


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